CLIL: an innovative English course for everyone in Naples

'CLIL' stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It is a methodology of teaching and learning in which different subject areas are taught exclusively in a foreign language. This innovative English course promotes both the acquisition of knowledge in different subject areas and the learning of the foreign language.

From March 2020, St. Peter's will also offer the possibility of taking courses online (DAD / DDI).

Early experimentation and CLIL programmes

CLIL is a teaching style that has been employed in several European countries since the second half of the 1990s. 

These innovative English courses were introduced in Italy thanks to the development of European projects organised by various institutions and universities. 

Some schools have begun experimentation and teaching of subject content in a foreign language. Italy is the first country in the European Union to introduce CLIL as a standard in secondary schools.

Multidisciplinary teaching in English

St. Peter's English Language School has been involved in the organisation and management of CLIL co-curricular projects for a number of years. These innovative English courses aim to combine the learning of subject content with the development of foreign language skills through the introduction of optional teaching modules covering both science and humanities subjects. 

This project has been extensively tested in secondary schools.

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