Individual English courses and bespoke training in Naples

The one-to-one English courses run in Naples by our native speaking teachers allow individuals and companies to achieve specific objectives. 
They are characterised by the fact that they are completely adapted to the needs of the student for concrete and coherent learning of the language according to their needs, whether it is to improve personal communication skills or to obtain an international certification.

Accessible to all, St. Peter's courses do not carry any prerequisites.
Our one-to-one training courses follow a flexible, tailor-made programme and are delivered by highly qualified teachers.
We offer renewable packages of 10 hours on days and times of your choice.
From March 2020, you can learn English with us in Naples or online (DAD/DDI).
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Individual language courses

I corsi di inglese personali sono preceduti da un'attenta analisi delle esigenze e degli interessi di ogni singolo studente. Lo staff ritaglia il percorso didattico in accordo con lo studente valutando: obiettivi, abilità e livello di conoscenza della lingua, tempo a disposizione e progressi nella crescita. Le unità didattiche e le strategie di apprendimento sono finalizzate al raggiungimento degli obiettivi linguistici concordati all'inizio del corso.
The one-to-one English courses offered at our school in Naples focus on the challenges you face on a daily basis and your specific goals.

As each person is different, we carefully analyse the needs and interests of each individual student. Then, our staff define the course together with you, assessing the following elements:

  • objectives;
  • skills and level of knowledge of the language;
  • time available;
  • progress. 
The teaching units and learning strategies are aimed at achieving the language objectives set during the initial interview.

Learning English at any age

We firmly believe that choosing to learn or perfect the use of a language at any stage of your life not only gives you great satisfaction but also enables you to achieve tangible results. With our one-to-one English courses in Naples, we can help you to reach higher professional and academic levels while providing you with a highly rewarding experience.

Email our school for more information on personal English courses

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